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The Storm and the Maiden
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Within the Storm @ 13:28 - Link - comments
So much is going on these days! It is wonderful to see the excitement though out the lands - not to mention Great K bouncing around spreading merriment and cheer. Even if he did accidentally smush poor Nael in the Dundee Inn. Well, the contest for the Shipwrecked Boat went over fairly well. We had a few entries - but quality entries indeed! In the end though, I could not judge them so I had asked someone whom I felt had the knowledge and talent to do so fairly - and Topaz the Poet did a marvelous job judging, and I very much doubt anyone but a darn fool could say otherwise. She is quite intelligent and articulate with the arts. She has my thanks.

So pumpkins started showing everywhere and I was in a slight state of awe. Sort of a silent awe though, unlike my friend Lowrenzo, who wouldn’t be silent until a pumpkin fell out from the sky and hit him over the head. It was the perfect ‘topper’ for something that I had been working on and I simply had to have one! So my friend and guildkin Lital went out hunting me a pumpkin a few days after seeing Raffe with his and after Lowrenzos near accident. She was in the tree and I was making my way to Nrolav when she joyfully announced she had found one. She wanted to meet me at Cerbies to give it to me. And so we did. It wasn’t a marc after the pumpkin exchange that the Goddess Miranda’s voice was heard across the lands. She said that about 5 pumpkins had now been found, and that if you had been lucky enough to find a pumpkin to hold onto it - for they are special and may turn out to be rare items, and that their purpose was still yet unknown. Well certainly I could not keep Litals pumpkin that she had just given to me for my own purpose, so I passed it back and told her to keep it safe like Miranda spoke. Right then a pumpkin, seemingly created from generosity and some pretty red sparkles materialized on the bar top .. right there in Cerbies. I was touched and grateful, to say the very least. Quite happy also that my Headless Lilli costume I had worked so hard on was now complete .. and with a head! So this is my pumpkin. There may be many others like it - but this one is mine.

We’ve been working on the guildhall and there is a new area under way. One part is finished and the others are still heavily under construction so if you visit please take care. We’ve inducted several new members recently. Lital, Dementia and Lavinia .. and we still have a few more applications under review. I have the deepest faith in our new members, and I am so pleased with my Twilight family and blessed to have them in my life. Each one contributes to the unique specialness of the family and I could not be happier. I would do anything I can for all of them.

I’ve been working on a contest for the Festival and that’s almost finished. We have been working on updating our Twilight parchments and when that’s finished I’ll get the contest on the news post for everyone to see. I have contributed to a few other contests and FINALLY I’ve decorated the Misty Twilight Path for Fall Festival, as promised. Most unique about it I would have to say, is a gift from Azure. A rather giant troll head, much unlike any other trolls head that I’ve seen before in these lands hanging right down the center of the archway. Sometimes I keep it with me. It is just too creepy and weird for words! She knew I’d love it and boy was she right! I have come to deeply love my family and friends in my seasons within these lands. I know I said this earlier but I really am blessed. I would do anything for them.